Adnan Vasanwalla

Adnan Vasanwalla

Computer and Software Development Enthusiast

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About Me

Hi! Currently I am pursuing a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University, New York with focus on Data Science.

I am interested in converting ideas to code. I dabble with various technologies to build web applications and software solutions. I have experience in competitive programming and web and app development. Recently, I have started developing various projects on Data Science and taking part in Kaggle competitions.

Apart from these, I like listening to music and love playing football. Besides, I sometimes take up photography as a hobby.

Work Experience

Software Development Engineer Intern - (Jun 2020 - Aug 2020)

Worked with the Cloud Forecasting team for implementing advanced and extensive search functionality on high velocity events (Prime Day) page. Optimised ElasticSearch query time from ~14s to ~4s by re-indexing the search fields. Improved customer experience by reducing number of clicks on web-page to search an event. Developed the UI using Angular.

Software Engineer - JPMorgan Chase & Co. (July 2017 - July 2019)

Worked in the Corporate & Investment Banking Line of Business. Experience with working in a micro-services based architecture in Java, ReactJS, EmberJS and Angular following Agile SCRUM methodology.

Data Analyst Intern - Alaska Travel Industry Association (December 2017 - Mar 2018)

Performed Sentiment Analysis by cleaning and pre-processing Twitter data of more than 1 million records to manage more than 150 million people from over 100 countries attending the famous Kumbh Mela of Nashik in India using Python language.

FullStack Freelancer - Ackee Technologies (July 2016 - July 2017)

Successfully delivered 3 client projects with a another peer. Received 100% customer satisfaction. Projects included mobile and web applications, primarily in PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery and Native Android.

Web Developer Intern - (December 2015 - Jan 2016)

Developed few webpages for in PHP, Bootstrap and MongoDB database.



COVID-19 Impact on Motor Vehicle Crashes in NYC

Visualized COVID-19 deaths and cases in NYC and carried out hypothesis testing (t-test, permutation-test, KS test, chi-square test, etc.) to spot characteristics such as independence between the two datasets.

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US Census

Visualisation of US Census data

Created a rich screen-single dashboard to visually identify interesting trends in the US Census data. Inter-linking between the various analytical and interactive plots on dashboard guides the user to navigate the multi-dimensional data with ease.

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Product Recommendation

Product Recommendation for Ace Hardware Store

Implemented the Item2Vec model for recommending products to customers based on items already in their cart for the Ace Hardware Store (US). The dataset comprised of 8 million transactions spread over 4 years. Validated the above model by Jaccard Index and used SVD as the baseline model.

Price Prediction

Ames City Real Estate Price Prediction

Performed exploratory data analysis and modelling to predict house prices of Ames city in Iowa using the LightGBM model. Ranked in top 36% on Kaggle.

Interview Bot

Developed a Unity3D model for rating face-to-face interviews of users through emotion detection and syntactic as well as semantic comparison of their answers with actual answers. Used Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique for semantic comparison and Fisher Face algorithm for emotion detection. Mined resume of users by training a model on

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Sales Monitoring Android Application

The functionality of this application was to enable sales managers to manage all the required information about their sales team, i.e., assign locations on maps for different salespersons from where they can sell their products, the minimum amount of sales that should be done from that location and profile managements of their team.

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Major Achievements

JPMorgan Excellence Award 2018

Received the prestigious Excellence Award for the year 2018 for exceptional performance and for coming up with the most performance-efficient architectural design for our project.

ACM-ICPC Asia Amritapuri Onsite Regionals 2016

Selected to participate in the onsite round after being the top team from college during the online elimination rounds.
Ranked 153 from more than 430 teams in the onsite regional contest.

Finalists at DJ CSI Codeshastra Hackathon 2016

Designed and developed full stack web application for the Trishul NGO.
More than 120 students participated in the hackathon from colleges in Mumbai.